jurs - I am just so happy for you! It must be wonderful to reclaim that friendship, at least someone is fighting against the stupidity of shunning. I always hoped that some of my 'friends' would have stepped beyond that line that the JWs draw and still keep in touch. Alas it was'nt to happen and now I am shunned by all of them. It is very hard to walk away from what I considered to be very good frienships and it saddens me to realise that those friendships were so conditional, not real friendships at all.
I have been in contact with a sister who was disfellowshipped shortly after I disassociated but I do find it very difficult to let the friendship grow to anything like it was when we were both in the organisation - there is still very much a barrier between us, I always feel that if she had not been df'd she would still be shunning me now and I find that very hard to deal with. Also if she was ever to repent and return to the congregation it would be like a double blow for me and a return to being shunned. In a way I suppose I am trying to protect myself by keeping my distance, also the fact is that she still believes most of the teachings of the JWs - she will not hear a word against them... yet. Maybe in time things will change, I hope that they do, it would be nice to have another ally.
The most interesting thing that I have discovered from my conversations with her is the insight into what happened in the congregation following my distribution of da' letters. They apparently had to do a lot of 'damage limitation', a local needs item brought up some of the things mentioned in my letter, and the conclusion reached by most of the congregation, according to this sister, was that I would soon be back in the hall with my tail between my legs asking for re-instatement. Yeah, right, don't think so...
So, I am so happy for you that you have this friend back - it gives me hope for the future, that one day I may have that phone call out of the blue.....